Business as unusual

Our current economic system is under rising pressure because of unsustainable exploitation and pollution of planet earth, the population’s high levels of toxic stress and anxiety, and deepening social inequality

Business as usual co-creates those impacts. Business as un-usual can contribute solutions to these issues. Businesses are the dominate drivers for innovation, jobs, and economic wealth, which in turn address real problems of real people. And it is possible for businesses to do this while making healthy profits and without causing ‘collateral’ damage to nature, employees, health, equality, or local communities. This is what Conscious Businesses do!

‘Conscious Business’ refers to conducting business that is purpose-driven, ethical, human-centered, sustainable, inclusive, and beneficial to all Stakeholders – not only shareholders and managers. We believe businesses can be drivers for good, if they design, organize, and create their business consciously.

During the last 10 – 15 years, research demonstrated that consciously led companies created benefits for all stakeholders and prospered financially at the same time, in many cases above and beyond shareholder-driven companies.


Educate Current and Next Generation Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs to Conduct Business More Consciously


Every business student in Europe is taught conscious business practices as part of their business studies.
Teaching Conscious Management Methodologies is ‘mainstream’ in educating business students – from undergraduate to executive education.
Research empirically substantiates the superior effectiveness of conscious business practices.

The Project

A passionate group of academics and business professionals will develop a ‘Conscious Business Education’ Syllabus in order to change business education at universities and business schools.

We will create 21 innovative conscious business courses for Bachelor-, Graduate- & Executive-level education.

The project is open source: All 21 courses will be shared with anyone who is interested to make use of our course material.

What’s different?

We innovate business education compared to ‘Business as usual’ in the following ways
  • Ethics and ethical dilemmas embedded in every course
    Management without a solid ethical compass too often results in negative collateral damage to communities, the environment, and employees.
  • Conscious Leadership
    Our courses stimulate reflection and development of leaders to become more system-oriented, purpose oriented, ethical, inclusive, and consciously aware of the impact of their decisions and actions.
  • Stakeholder Integration
    Shareholder primacy is ‘Business as usual’. Since it gained dominance 60 – 70 years ago it has resulted in huge wealth for shareholders and management, often (not always) at the expense of the other stakeholders (e.g., environment, employees, suppliers, local communities, and society). We outline ways to manage companies in which all stakeholders gain.
  • Purpose Orientation
    ‘Business as usual’ dominantly maximizes top and bottom line. Instead, conscious companies (‘business as unusual’) optimize to their higher purpose, addressing real societal needs. Doing good can generate abundant profits if executed consciously.

Executive Education

In order to educate current leaders, we are developing a Conscious Business Executive Education program. Here we focus on C-level leaders of small and medium sized companies, family-owned business, as well as European subsidiaries of larger global corporations.

Executive Education is led by Impact Centre Erasmus (Netherlands), in collaboration with PIMEC, the employers’ association of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (Catalonia/Spain).

Do you want to participate in co-creation or co-funding? We can discuss your ideas and the possibilities. Leave your information and we will contact you.

Join us for the
2024 edition

Annual Conscious Business Education Conference
20th – 21st of June, 2024
@ NOVA School of Business and Economics (Lisbon)

Virtual Conference

16 & 17 September 2024
(17 – 19:00 cet respectively)

Active partners


Konstantin Mudrack

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them

Konstantin Mudrack (PROJECT MANAGER)

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